Monday, October 20, 2008

All events on 25/10/08 @ Yusri's residence are CANCELLED...

Please take note of that. There goes my bet...

Speaking of hosting events, I personally think it is better to hold them at 'neutral' zones. We certainly very delighted to have them at our peer's homes simply because our families can get together. But, I think it puts burden to the host - to prepare food, to tidy up or clean house, to put on 'tudung' etc.

So, I feel more comfortable to have those events at 'mamak', restaurant, etc. No preparation needed. Just drop by, get some drinks, foods, words, soccer, etc. then buzz off. Easy...

Here is his email.

Dear friends,
Dukacita dimaklumkan bahawa Majlis Tahlil cum Sambutan Hari Raya yang dijadualkan Sabru ni (25-Oct-08) terpaksa ditunda ke suatu tarikh lain atas sebab-sebab yg tidak dapat dielakkan i.e. anak-anak sekolah + appointment doktor dll.
InsyaAllah, kita tangguhkan Majlis Tahlil buat sementara ni tapi rumah saya tetap "hari-hari terbuka" kecuali hari Sabtu ni...
So, datanglah... call je..

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