Monday, November 12, 2007

Curi Masa!

This is one of the favorite phrase of our Math teacher that I can remember. She was Miss Thian, who taught us Math from form 1 to form 3. Boy, she was dedicated then, so she drilled us with a lot of homeworks. At the same time, we had to learn to "cheer" our school's teams. We had to remember the lyrics, hand clapping, etc and most of the "prep" time especially the evening one had gone for this training. So, we had less time to do our homework and we told our Miss Tian about our constraint. She replied back "Curi Masa!" What the heck is that? Well, we had to make the time to do the homework, e.g. between breaks, etc. Ingat apa la dia curi masa tu... Now, I have to "Curi Masa!" for this OBW.

Sapa2 ada gambar cikgu ni, boleh share tak?


Anonymous said...

'Curi Masa' is co cliche to all of us. Who can forget this!!!

Anonymous said...

Miss Thian jugak akan 'tolak telinga' kamu.....